Wednesday, March 19, 2008

No Longer So Cock Sure

So I am truly wondering if this is where the saying came from. I have never given it any thought before.

But I am brooding about breeding.

I feel as though my body betrayed me. I thought we had a pretty good deal and a strong understanding of the way things were supposed to be. This body guided me through two fairly problemless gestation periods.

I had no idea what I was doing but my body seemed to so I didn't worry. I waited each day to learn what it would teach me about being pregnant. It was a patient teacher. Two pregnancies. Two healthy happy children.

The third time was definitely not the charm!

My bubble of reproductive perfection has definitely burst (along with my falopian tube)


So I am cautiously trying to sign a new contract with my body. This time with an understanding that every good contract has a loop hole.

In other news...

I am driving home from work.

My son (almost two!)is ecstatically yelling what sounds kind of like "Super Man" as he fondles his new pj's with said superhero displayed in happy detail.

My daughter is humming a tune that has no rythm and no real words. She begins to "sing" to this tuneless song at first talking about princesses, flowers, things she sees out her window.

Then she adds this line...

la la la "and I am going to get my gun and shoot you dead" la la la la

She continues on about some other insignificant something or other but I stopped hearing her.

Did she just say that?

So I asked her. "What did you just say?" acting cool. No big deal.

And she repeated it. Well she repeated the first part about the gun but she "forgot" what she said after that.

What!?!? Did she just say that?


Being the cool ultra-hip mom that I always pretend to be, I come up with this fairly calm not-going-to-freak-the-hell-out response.

"Let's not sing songs about guns. m'kay?"

"okay mommy."


So clearly this is a daycare pick up. One of the bad things that she gets from being around a lot of different kiddies with a lot of different backgrounds kind of like the stomach flu. Only not so much.

Which of her friends at school is talking about guns and shooting people?

And where the hell are they hearing it from.

Is this an older sibling thing...?

So I am pretending for the moment that she has no idea what she is saying and won't until somewhere in her early twenties when I finally let her date...

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